Gano Direct Celtic Sea Salt (Coarse / Fine)

The greatest proof we have that we need SALT is the fact we are all born in it, our Mothers amniotic fluids are saline, we grow from a seed into a fetus, so SALT enhances cellular growth, and we are not talking about white refined salt.

We are talking here about Celtic Sea salt which includes 84   macro and micro minerals all perfectly balanced and so important in enhancing our health.

Many people are under the impression all Salt is the same, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Salt that is dry and white doesn’t have any Magnesium in it (Magnesium is a water hugging molecule). The function of Magnesium in the body is to act as a scavenger, to allow the sodium to do it’s job, then flush the excess out through the kidneys. White Salt with no magnesium can’t do that job, so the excess sodium remains, causing problems, including fluid retention.

Man in his greed  takes out most of the precious minerals, like Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Iodine, Boron etc from the Salt and sells them off to industry and leaves us with a by product which he calls SALT. Beware of Salt that is labeled “SEA Salt” if it’s white and dry it’s not much better than commercial white salt that is used in most canned products and which most people use for their own salt consumption.

If your tears weren’t salty, if your blood wasn’t salty, if your sweat wasn’t salty you wouldn’t be functioning very well. You can’t function without salt. Your heart can’t function, your adrenal gland’s can’t function, and your Kidneys can’t function. Sodium is the predominant solution in the circulating blood plasma and tissue fluids.

A salt free diet can damage the valves of the heart. The contractility of the heart muscles is negatively affected by a deficiency of salt. The heart can no longer contract normally. Remember the heart is fed by a saline solution from the blood and lymph. On a salt free diet, the valves of the heart can tire. They will begin to lacerate and break up in shreds. Biochemically, without salt, the cells starve. On a salt free diet you will not recover quickly after an illness. You can also get para- anemia.

1912 Nobel winning Dr Alexis Carrel kept a chicken heart alive for 28 years in the salty brine of the Celtic Salt and he terminated the experiment, that should prove more than anything else that Celtic Salt can aid longevity.

If salt was so bad why they feed intravenous saline solution to hospital patients. They do this because the body runs on salt. Without salt we run out of electrolytes, our human batteries die out.



250g or 500g Sizes now avaliable!


Coarse / Fine & Size

