Welcome to Gano Organics's new range of products!
May we introduce you to our winning range of healthy beverages & health products, most contains Ganoderma (Reishi).
Buy Direct and Save Money. We are the manufacturer – we cut out the middleman. You receive the benefit by obtaining the best price possible on every product.
We believe so strongly in the nutritional value of Ganoderma (Reishi mushroom) as a wholefood and we believe that with good nutrition, good health can be maintained, so we have increased our beverage range to include the Reishi mushroom in our White & Black Coffee's, Mocha, Hot Chocolate Organic Black Tea, Organic Green Tea and Chai Tea, that's our small contribution to the health and wellness of our customers and their friends from around the world.
Gano Vital coffee drinkers will be familiar with the taste of our new Gano black & white coffee, it’s the same coffee, just a different branding and packaging, with an extra 20% more coffee (white coffee), for a lower price.
FREE freight for orders $79.00 or over anywhere in Australia.
Our Certified Organic Cordyceps are here!
Recommended Retail Price $39.00 - Opening special $29.00 each
Cordyceps Sinensis (Yatsa Gunbu) has been the single most expensive medicinal raw material in the world, fetching as much as US $50,000 - $80,000 per kilo for top specimens (refer "The secret garden" - reporter Eric Campbell broadcast on ABC Foreign Correspondent programme, 09/08/2011). In its wild habitat this medicinal mushroom is found only in the Himalayan Mountains above 14,000 ft, 4200 metres elevation.
For most people this amazing fungus has been out of reach because of its prohibitive price. Now one company has perfected a cultivation process to produce the only DNA certified authentic organic Cordyceps, at a price everyone can afford and we Gano Direct are the only Australian company listed and registered with The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration to market this product in Australia
For centuries Cordyceps has been thought to possess Miraculous medicinal and Libidinous powers. Yaks that graze on it, legend holds, grow in strength tenfold. One of the earliest known descriptions of Cordyceps comes from a 15th century text, titled "An ocean of Aphrodisiacal qualities" which raves about the "faultless treasures" that "bestows inconceivable advantages" on those who ingest it. Just boil a few in a cup of tea or stew, in a soup or roast in a duck and all that ails you will be healed - or so it said.
Cordyceps has been prescribed by Herbalist's to alleviate back pain, impotence, Jaundice and fatigue; also to remove cholesterol, increase stamina and improve eyesight. Cordyceps have been used to treat tuberculosis and asthma, bronchitis and hepatitis, anaemia and emphysema. They have billed it as Anti tumour, Antiviral, Antioxidant. A treatment for HIV/Aids (refer article titled "Tibetan Gold" National Geographic August 2012)
We have found it to be the strongest detoxifying whole food we have encountered in our 25 years involvement in the Health food industry in Australia. We work with many people with serious skin problems, such as: Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis etc. It detoxifies like nothing we have experienced and this process goes a long way to cleaning the Liver, Kidneys, Gallbladder, Spleen. This is the first step in the healing process and allows the body’s natural oils to come to the surface of the skin.
May you live a long and happy life.
Kindest Regards
Wiesia & the Gano Organics Team
Email: info@ganoorganics.com.au