Organic Ganoderma Red Reishi 60 capsules x 500mg

Organic Ganoderma is high in Polysaccarides and Triterpernoids, try it's potency today!

Ganoderma Lucidum is the No.1 herb in Chinese medicine and has been for 4,000 years. It is known as a ‘Superior Herb’, which is the highest honour given in Chinese medicine. ‘Superior’ means it can be taken daily without any known negative side effects. Ganoderma is as close as it gets to the perfect nutritional food, and the Gano Direct Ganoderma powder cleanses and detoxifies the body at a deep level giving it a full maintenance service, so necessary to bringing the body back to a balanced state before the immune building can take place. Benefits such as sustained energy, clear thinking and better sleep may be noticed rather quickly.





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